i met you, the stars sparkled and i was born

Hello! You've reached Infinity, the approved fanlisting for the legendary “galactic fairy,” Sheryl Nome of Macross Frontier. If you’re a fan of hers, consider adding your name to the list! ❤ Lots of love and thanks to Aku for kindly adopting Sheryl to me and for allowing me to use her beautiful design until I get the chance to make my own. ;A;❤

15 & 0 fans / 10th Mar 2025

What is a fanlisting? A fanlisting is essentially a cyber list of fans of a certain subject. The Fanlistings Network list and approve all except anime and manga subjects which are handled by The Anime Fanlistings Network.

For updates, please see snow-bubble. For quick news regarding the network, please see snowchime.